Thursday, September 15, 2011

The State of Wisconsin is in political turmoil, because of many things-- the extreme agenda written by ALEC, a corporate think tank, that is selling us off to the highest bidder (or some political cronies) under the guise of solving our debt. I know that this is a lie, but if you are still ambivalent, that is, if you believe that tough on crime legislation written by private prison companies can help our state, or that Pfizer knows how to "fix" medicaid, then please check out to learn how the issues nearest and dearest to your heart are being used to promote corporatization via the American Legislative Exchange Council.

In addition to this, there is a concerted effort to quash free speech and transparency in government. The Legislature will take up a bill that eliminates the few campaign finance rules that exist in this state. The Government Accountability Board, which oversees elections in this state has purposely and consistently dodged complaints, not allowed the board members to see complaints, and certified the KloppenBerg/ Prosser recount before it even had the official results of the recount. An Election official recently testified before the GAB about election fraud in a public meeting.
That meeting was held this Monday, and notice was in fact posted 24 hours in advance; but the notice was put on a bulletin board in the capitol, it was not online, and it was difficult for people to find out about and attend.
IN addition to all of this, The public is not allowed to film the Senate or Assembly, even though the constitution clearly states that this is their right. The Assembly rules violate the constitution, and a small group has decided to challenge this rule.

What ensued was interesting-- Minorities were targeted before the white kids. There is a prevailing idea that the white middle class is just in this movement for the "fun". I am sure that many think that about my actions, but the reality is that civil disobedience in any form is really difficult. I believe that targeting the brown kids is a police tactic-- an attempt to separate.

The police are doing their job, but so are the protestors.

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