Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Favorite NPR Moment

Sometime around about Christmas 2002, I was doing some holiday baking and listening to A science program on National Public Radio. The host was Ira Glass, and the subject was 'best inventions and scientific advancements of the year'. People called in with their ideas about the latest energy efficent cars, stem cell research, and mass communication wonders. These were the dark days before iphones and ubiquitous flatscreens.

In the midst of this rather mundane conversation An elderly lady called in and said that in her opinion, the best invention of 2002 was a certain advancement in the treatment of diabetes. by a certain scientist whom she named.
The host, wishing to give her a chance to expand on her opinion, asked if she herself were diabetic.
No, she responded, I am his mother.
What? mother of a diabetic?

No, the scientist's Mother.
yes. The scientist's Mother had called Ira Glass on NPR and promoted her son as having the best scientific invention of 2002.

After a perceptible shock, the host continued on.

That was the funniest thing I have ever heard on Public Radio.
If you can imagine, it was even better in person.

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