Thursday, April 15, 2010

castle---- it just doesn't work.

I have been watchign Castle, a crime/ writing drama starring Nathan Fillion (from FIREFLY) adn some other girl, anyways, the story line is that Kaet Becket is a crime fighting detective, and RICHARD Castle follows her around supposedly to get ideas for his crime themed detective novels. He also helps to solve crimes.

The sub themes are; Kate Becket and Castle sexual tension and secret jealousy. Richard Castle has a teenage daughter and lives with his Mother and there are some occasional firefly relicts sitting around the living room.

The problems with the show are;
1. Kate Becket is supposed to be a detective, an employee of the police department. She dresses like a teenager even when she is supposedly investigating crime scenes and interviewing witnesses. totally unprofessional and unbelievable.
2. Richard Castle is the comic relief, and the comedy factor leans too heavily on his facial expressions and reactions. I used to think that he wasn't a good actor, but I think that the writing is just really off. There is no way anyone could pull off his role well. He is just put in weird positions that make little sense. The character is not consistent.
e.g. There was an episode where they were looking for poisonous spiders that where part of a murder. Apparently Castle was scared of spiders. He was made to scream and be scared of spiders like 6 times. It was funny the first time.
3. The premise of a writer helping a real life detective is not super believable to begin with. I might be able to look past the shaky premise if the writing were middling. I might be able to excuse the writing if the characters were believable and consistent. Taken together its just not that great.

You know, Nathan Fillian starred in a nice show a couple of years ago that I really enjoyed, and watching the train wreck that is Castle begs the question
"WHY does junk like this get on Television while FIREFLY was cancelled??????"

I guess I'll just have to watch some episodes, work on my ZOE costume, and try to move on.

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