Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blatant Racism in the GOP

Is there a context where this sort of statement is okay? How can we say that the TEA Party is not racist when their candidates say these sorts of things.

Oklahoma is considering a repeal of affirmative action for state jobs- And the GOP says that this sort of move is not racist; here is the horrible defense. from Sally Kerns. She has said stuff like this before-- She apologized and claimed to have misspoke- and I am sure that she didn't mean to actually express the hate in her heart verbally; A key component to advancing a racist agenda is to claim that it is to deny that it is deliberately racist.

Mitt Romney is doing all that he can to appeal to the extreme far-right racism of the TEA party. He recently suggested that we should 'Hang Obama'. This wording looks like a mistake- but it is not. Obama is a black man, and Southern racists- the demographic of the TEA Party- have engaged in lynch mobs as recently as the 1970's. Plenty of people are alive who remember this practice. It was not random- the victim always 'deserved it' for some reason or another. To use an allusion to this horrible practice in order to bolster support from the extreme right is disgusting. It was deliberate. Romney has to go to great lengths to make up for his shortcomings. As governor of Massachutes he created a successful universal healthcare plan that helped people and gained bipartisan support- and He is a Mormon, which is not christian enough for the far-right.

Because he is not quite 'right' enough, I believe that he is one of the more dangerous candidates. He will go to great lengths to show that he is even more racist and committed to destroying public institutions than the next guy.

Perhaps I will launch an "anyone except MIT" campaign. Step #1 make an awesome yard sign!

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