Thursday, September 15, 2011

The State of Wisconsin is in political turmoil, because of many things-- the extreme agenda written by ALEC, a corporate think tank, that is selling us off to the highest bidder (or some political cronies) under the guise of solving our debt. I know that this is a lie, but if you are still ambivalent, that is, if you believe that tough on crime legislation written by private prison companies can help our state, or that Pfizer knows how to "fix" medicaid, then please check out to learn how the issues nearest and dearest to your heart are being used to promote corporatization via the American Legislative Exchange Council.

In addition to this, there is a concerted effort to quash free speech and transparency in government. The Legislature will take up a bill that eliminates the few campaign finance rules that exist in this state. The Government Accountability Board, which oversees elections in this state has purposely and consistently dodged complaints, not allowed the board members to see complaints, and certified the KloppenBerg/ Prosser recount before it even had the official results of the recount. An Election official recently testified before the GAB about election fraud in a public meeting.
That meeting was held this Monday, and notice was in fact posted 24 hours in advance; but the notice was put on a bulletin board in the capitol, it was not online, and it was difficult for people to find out about and attend.
IN addition to all of this, The public is not allowed to film the Senate or Assembly, even though the constitution clearly states that this is their right. The Assembly rules violate the constitution, and a small group has decided to challenge this rule.

What ensued was interesting-- Minorities were targeted before the white kids. There is a prevailing idea that the white middle class is just in this movement for the "fun". I am sure that many think that about my actions, but the reality is that civil disobedience in any form is really difficult. I believe that targeting the brown kids is a police tactic-- an attempt to separate.

The police are doing their job, but so are the protestors.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The death Penalty.....

From Wednesday Night's Presidential debate;
‎"...moderator Brian Williams noted to Perry that his state "has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times."

As Williams tried to continue asking his question, the crowd broke into applause..."

Perry Stated that he didn't lose sleep over whether an innocent man had been executed.

Lovely People. Republicans are often wonderful People who represent and support some really horrible things.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Politics and Religion

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I read the Book of Mormon Regularly, say prayers, attend the temple, and teach my kids in Family Home Evening. I really believe in the Gospel and I try to live it.

Ironically it is the Gospel that prompts me to be involved in the political struggles of my state and nation. The Book of Mormon often talks about the dangers of the rich being prideful, and discriminating against the poor; the rich become prideful because of their "fine twined linen" and "chances for learning". The pride of the church becomes a stumbling block for those who are not of the church. There is even a story in the Book of Mormon when everyone is at peace, and they mention that instead of everyone being known as "nephites and lamanites" and "Ishmaelites" (names of different groups of people descended from Nephi, Laman, and Ishmael) 'there was no manner of -ites among them' So racial equality was an important part of their peace. obnviously there is more to the Book of Mormon, but these are recurrent themes. There is a great warning against pride.

Now Modern Mormon culture is not such a wonderfully clear cut place. Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck are also members of the LDS church. SO is the senior Missionary that I met who recommended that I read "The 5,000 year leap" which is white supremecist propoganda. He also talked at length about how red hair is going extinct.

Mitt Romney wants to run for president in 2012. However he is being financed by big business both over and under the table. Romney's Platform is the ALEC agenda-- which promotes the lie that debt brought on by corporate tax breaks can only be solved by cutting services to the poor--

Glenn Beck uses hate speech mixed with LDS phraseology to promote the same message.

I don't want either any of these men to leave the church; they are more likely to repent if they are reading the book of mormon and going to church. Someday I hope that they will see the error of their ways.
I want the church to work harder to stop a lie that is pervasive in LDS culture. I want the church to officially denounce the lie that poor people are poor because they deserve it, and that the rich are successful because they deserve it.
I hear this lie all of the time, it is phrased differently, but it amounts to the same message.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Voter ID and civil disobedience

Tonight the Wisconsin Assembly passed the most restrictive Voter ID bill in the nation. We previously have had one of the highest voter turnouts in the country, but this bill will change all that. Very few forms of ID will be accepted- current valid drivers license, military ID, student IDs with certain parameters (none of the current student IDs meet these parameters), or a state-issued photo ID card. This will disenfranchise thousands of eligible voters, as outlined in this article from One Wisconsin Now. Senator Bob Jauch gave great testimony on this bill as well.

This photo ID card will be free if you say that you can not pay for the card. There was an amendment proposed that would require DMVs to tell people that the card is free; but that amendment was not passed. Also tabled were amendments to extend the hours of all state DMVs, require weekend hours so that people who work 8-5 jobs can obtain these ID cards without taking time off work. Getting to a DMV to obtain this ID card will be a major hurdle, as there are several counties with no DMV, and plenty more with DMVs that are open a few days a month. Here is a map of Wisconsin DMVs open more than 2 days a week. Indiana has a similar law, but they also have a lot more DMVs. At least one in every county, open 4-5 days a week. This law might not be overly burdensome in Indiana, but in Wisconsin it is.

The only evidence -besides theoretical situations and hearsay- that the GOP offered was a report from the Milwaukee Police department. Apparently it had been requested by a chief of police who left before it was compelted, and then the next chief of police saw the report and refused to sign it because he said that it was a partisan and politically motivated. There were, in 2004 11 cases of questionable ballots- 3 of these were situations in which photo ID would have prevented the fraud.
After this bill was passed, The associated Solidarity Organization did some planned direct action- they yelled at the reps "hey you don't have ID- you can't vote!" and then chanted "Shame" or "welcome to Jim Crow, WI". Three guys got really upset- they yelled, were removed, then walked around the capitol getting in the face of representatives. Some of the Democrats were even upset by the behavior.

The ASo then went outside, had s little meeting, and then yelled at the author of the Bill Jeff Stone, as he got in his car, and left. Stone also ran 2 red lights, but some of the ASO was also chasing his car. That was bad behavior. I do not approve.

The guy who did the most shouting in the faces of Republicans, was a person that I have admired throughout the protest. He has been focused and measured, and a leader in guiding people to channel their frustration into productivity. I think that his behavior was bad, but He is a black guy, in the 18-24 demographic. 77% of young people in this group do not possess a valid drivers license, and will have to obtain a state ID in order to vote. The republicans repeatedly argued throughout this entire process that they are not being racist.

This policy is racist. It affects people of color much more than those who are not of color. It hurts the rural, the elderly, and the poor by limiting their ability to vote. I think that the lies about the racism in this bill were particularly sour for our friend. He was just pushed too far. I think that members of the GOP don't think that it is racist -- they don't understand- I know that I do not understand what it is to be a minority. To have your own rights and freedoms just taken away is a terrible thing. This kid reacted appropriately. The actions of the assembly were wildly inappropriate. SHAME. SHAME. SHAME. This bill is nasty, and make no mistake- its sole purpose is to reduce the democratic vote. I just hope that we can get the senate replaced and this nonsense reversed before the 2012 elections.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blatant Racism in the GOP

Is there a context where this sort of statement is okay? How can we say that the TEA Party is not racist when their candidates say these sorts of things.

Oklahoma is considering a repeal of affirmative action for state jobs- And the GOP says that this sort of move is not racist; here is the horrible defense. from Sally Kerns. She has said stuff like this before-- She apologized and claimed to have misspoke- and I am sure that she didn't mean to actually express the hate in her heart verbally; A key component to advancing a racist agenda is to claim that it is to deny that it is deliberately racist.

Mitt Romney is doing all that he can to appeal to the extreme far-right racism of the TEA party. He recently suggested that we should 'Hang Obama'. This wording looks like a mistake- but it is not. Obama is a black man, and Southern racists- the demographic of the TEA Party- have engaged in lynch mobs as recently as the 1970's. Plenty of people are alive who remember this practice. It was not random- the victim always 'deserved it' for some reason or another. To use an allusion to this horrible practice in order to bolster support from the extreme right is disgusting. It was deliberate. Romney has to go to great lengths to make up for his shortcomings. As governor of Massachutes he created a successful universal healthcare plan that helped people and gained bipartisan support- and He is a Mormon, which is not christian enough for the far-right.

Because he is not quite 'right' enough, I believe that he is one of the more dangerous candidates. He will go to great lengths to show that he is even more racist and committed to destroying public institutions than the next guy.

Perhaps I will launch an "anyone except MIT" campaign. Step #1 make an awesome yard sign!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

truth will out

Truth will out. Documents from the American Legislative Exchange Council and Mackinac institute have been leaked. No one knows exactly what is in this mess, but If its anything like the rest of their agenda, it is pretty disgusting.

Apparently Anonymous got these from the Chamber of Commerce; I am not above suspecting that this release is a ploy-- The ALEC 'accidently' forgot to block some legislation this week- it looked incredibly extreme and may have been meant to lead people off the more threatening mainstream agenda of voter suppression and unlimited political funding.

I am not sure exactly what is going on, but I trust the Daily Kos- they are fairly accurate, and willingly admit it when they make mistakes. I do not trust the ALEC; so I will be reading through their dirty laundry.