Thursday, November 5, 2009

going rogue

Sara Palin's new book, Going Rogue is coming out soon. There are already two parody books coming out the same day...They are pretty funny Going Rouge is a Sarah Palin coloring book with such tasks as find color lipstick on the pigs, and pick which animal Sarah did not kill on2008 -choices are a moose, a caribou, sheep, and John McCain.
It looks like a lighthearted parody. But I think there is more.

Hillary Clinton RAn for the Democratic nomination and she got a lot of flack. I took a test on a political website and found that Hillary Clinton most closely matched my political views and ideals. I was hugely disappointed. I just didn't like her.

However I really liked a lot of the other candidates; Huckabee, McCain, even Howard Dean they all seemed very personable to me; I was prejudiced against Clinton. I believe that I held her to a different standard. Possibly I am not used to seeing a woman vie for president and feel that she is out of her place. In reality this is sexism. I didn't think a woman should be our president.

The media put Clinton through a lot more scrutiny that Obama. There is a Saturday night live skit where Obama is given softball questions, and Clinton gets difficult questions, then gets ignored. This is more true than false.

Palin got a lot of flack as well. She was underqualified and out of her league. She was a bad campaign decision. McCain made a mistake. That being said, she was not the only underqualified running mate or candidate ever selected. There is no Howard Dean coloring book, very few skits on Saturday night live about Kucinich or Quayle. These characters were all given a bit of attention and public ridicule, but they then faded from the the public consciousness.

Some of the public dislike of Palin is warranted. A large portion of it is good old fashioned american prejudice.

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