Tuesday, March 1, 2011


even dogs know that this bill is bad news...

reform prisons to save money! Don't attack collective bargaining!

atleast voldemort was NOT elected.... so sad, so sad.

Knitters for negotiation!!

This is a pretty good crowd. THere is also a real diversity of ages and types of people. The protestors who are occupying the capitol are mostly students, but those outside are largely

invoking the spirit of fighting Bob...The pro-labor 4-time presidential cabinet and Wisconsin native. His statue in the capitol has flowers on it.

FOx news has reported all sorts of lies about this protest over teh last two weeks. They are not just biased, they are telling lies. So, when a fox news camera man came into the crowd, we all shouted "fox news lies!" loud and constantly until he left. FOX really shouldn't make enemies in WIsconsin. We are tough people- we fish through ice.

This is a non violence protest, not non-violinist.
Violinists are welcome, especially violinists for labor.

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