Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Since the attack on my dear state of Wisconsin, I have decided to take down the TEA party, I know there are a few divisions, but specifically the Americans for Prosperity, the group here is WI that has been funding pro-walker ads, sponsored the "stand with walker" bus tour, and the nearly 2,ooo strong pro-walker rally on the square, which Sarah Palin decided to skip last minute because of the poor turn out, and perhaps the 66,ooo peaceful pro-union protesters.

SO, here are some links, these are sort of fun, but the message is very real, and very troubling.

I can't watch this and laugh. It is all too close to home. Glenn Beck is a Mormon! We share a religion; I hope that his spiritual journey will eventually lead him to more self-awareness and rejection of these beliefs, but for now his actions are a force for evil.

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