Sunday, September 27, 2009

Healthy Habit or Mental Illness?

I am a long distance Runner. It is may favorite activity. I am currently working to get back into shape after having my last baby. I can do a 20 mile long run and am working to average 50 miles per week. I look forward to training, and eventually racing. I love to race and I love to win.

Imagine my surprise when, in the process of learning about anxiety disorders, I learned that Aerobic exercise can be a treatment for most types of anxiety disorders.

Diane Van Deren is an ultrarunner who wasl also afflicted with epilepsy. She was able to have a surgery and has since had no seizures, but before claimed that Running would prevent her seizures. A part of her brain was damaged and part of her disability was her compulsion to run. Apparently after her surgery she tried to do laps up and down the halls in the hospital. She is now healthy and runs to raise money for epilepsy charities. If she were never epileptic one would guess she would not be such an ultrarunner.

Many former smokers become runners. The theory is that the feel-good dopamine released by smoking can also be accessed through intense exercise. Hence former addicts develope a new, albeit less harmful habit.

From this I surmise that Ultrarunning can be caused by a brain abnormality. It can also be used to mitigate the ravages of anxiety disorders.

Is my running really a fun activity or a brain-altering drug to which I am addicted??? Perhaps, Like Diane Van Deren I have some brain damage that compells me to run run run! Was my Mom correct when she said "only crazy people run marathons"?

Before I sign up for therapy or retire to a dreary life of 5k funruns, I will take a wider angle to this picture. There are a lot of runners. Some are crazy. Most are normal. All of them reap benefits from their physical activity. The crazies and semi-crazies attract attention so they get alot of coverage. Normal people (like me?) are invisible.

What if I am being compelled by a latent anxiety disorder to run and exercise everyday? 4-12 percent of the adult population suffers form an anxiety disorder. It may very well be true of me. If this is in fact the case for me, that I have some generalized anxiety problem, then my running is in effect the treatment.

Running enriches my life. On a typical day I put the kids in a stroller, jog 1-3 miles to a park, play, read, eat and stretch for an hour or more, then return home. I love this life. My kids go outdoors a lot. We save money on gas (which we spend on running shoes). I firmly believe that the way I live is wonderful, healthy, and happy. We are all so happy. How can my happy life be wrong?

Last of all, everything we do is caused or effected. No man is an island unto himself. My passion in life right now is a Boston Qualifying marathon. It sounds like fun, and I am going for it. Perhaps this drive is caused by my great character and upbringing, Or maybe my brain is predisposed to LOVE RUNNING.
Either way, the action is good. The causation is not so important.
I feel the same way about my marriage; Perhaps I didn't get married for "all the right reasons" however the 9 ensuing years have been great and define the current relationship. The ends is more important than the means.

in the words of Bon Jovi, "Tramps like us baby we were born to run"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alternative medicine = Bogus medicine

The scum of the EARTH....
People who sell quack Cancer treatments.
Here is the article that has left me so enraged;

Well, you say, so what can it hurt? Why not give people hope?

Because Most of the time, the VAST MAJORITY of the time, the people who pedal this junk know full well that it is snake oil.

The cancer patients themselves are desperate and vulnerable. They are not as discerning as they would normally be. They are also tired. Worn out with medications and treatments and side effects. This stuff seems like a miracle, a simple easy way out.

I do not blame the victims. Treatment is difficult. In many cases the best decision is not to treat, Hospice care or pain managment is the best course of action.

Unfortunately Some will try out quack cancer remedies in place of better treatment that might actually work. Others will use up financial resources as well as mental and physical energy to pursue a treatment that has no medical value.

I hate it. It is not "alternative"medicine, it is BOGUS medicine. Trying different treatments can be important. Patients should be comfortable witht heir dctors and have good care. Good nutrition is important. Psychological counselling can help. Patients who are not getting what they believe is the proper care should get a second opinion. DO NOT simply decide that some QUACK on late night TV suddenly knows more than your doctor.

Many different treatments can be used to fight cancer. These are not to be confused with BOGUS treatments. Doctors themselves may be slow to condemn such practices, careful to preserve lines of communication. Slow to tell their patients that they are doing stuff that is CRAZY.

It is CRAZY. Alternative medicine is, in general, a waste of time and money. Those who subscribe to such practices are quick to defend themselves. I have been very careful not to offend people who believe in alternative (bogus) medicine. It is a belief system. It is a placebo effect.

What is wrong with the placebo effect working? Why not let someone recover due to positive thinking as a result of snake oil ? Well, The recovery is credited to the quack treatment, which gives it "credit" and encourages others to forego modern medicine in favor of the bogus treatment. Hence the "Palcebo effect" recovery may prevent recovery from the "medical effect"

The Dirtbags who sell and promote this stuff do it out of pride or ignorance. This is why it is most prevalent in rural communities and among the undereducated.

Science education is great. Not only do people learn about natural systems and laws, but also how to research and learn. Critical thinking skills are important. Don't believe me? Just try to hold a conversation with someone who does not have them.

I used to give perveyors of Bogus medicine the benefit of the doubt ("maybe there is medicinal value in tree sap;,perhaps a study I don't know about?"). I now believe that this is the wrong approach. I need to stand up for truth where ever I find it, else my silence may be taken as an endorsement and I become a participant in a lie.

This week I will be especially vigilant in this. Watchout people.

Monday, September 21, 2009

peopleofwalmart could be me.

this is a hilariously funny website. Slightly risque. Also pretty mean. It makes un of pictures of people in Walmart stores. Walmar tis ubiquitous, so it really makes fun of americans and the crazy things that people wear. Unfortunately this quickly degenerates into poking fun at the poor, old, ugly and handicapped.

The webmaster apparently has 'standards' he won't post pictures of the handicapped or those in scooters. Well, good try but the real entertainment value of this site is in poor people from the south who wear out of style crazt colors and bad hair dye-jobs.

These people are hilarious, butonly because they are not me.
Now, at this stage of my life I am very together. I have nice clothes, cute kids, a great looking body, etc. Most people in my life situation would probably look better than me. I am on the sloppy side of normal. For instance I am neutral on the question of "Are shoes neccessary in public?" Also, I think that breastfeeding should be allowed everywhere all of the time. It is like a basic human right to be able to feed a baby all the time everywhere without any limit. wouldn't probably make fun of me right now. However what if my life became more difficult? It could turn any time and very easily.

It is easy to criticize those who live in different circumstances. Behind my house is a row of apartment buildings. There are a lot of kids running around 'unsupervised' and many parents are concerned about them. What those of us who have lived in apartment buildings understand is that life is just more difficult with less money.

When we were in an apartment, it was difficult to go and play with my kids outside. I did it , but I remember the effort it toook to dress everyone and follow them around. If I were to work at the same time there is no way I could have done that. We would have been indoors and watching TV a lot. I hope that I do not forget. I love my house, I love my yard, I love my easy life. I don't want to be the tired mom from the apartment building again, but you never know what could happen. It could be me again.

I could easily be the lady with the pink frilly shirt and shorts or the matching snake pants, or the person wearing the yellow plaid shirt and shorts. I am not that far off.
This is why, quite reluctantly, I am removing the blog link to from my main blog page.

It is funny, but it could be me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Book Review Time!!
Adam Bede...
So far it is awesome. George Eliot is my hero.

my favorite quote....
The character Arthur Donathorn goes to discuss some misconduct weighing upon his soul with the preacher over breakfast......

We are more distinctly conscious that rude penances are out of the question for gentlemen in an enlightened age, and that mortal sin is not incompatible with an appetite for muffins.

I love Muffins.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Examine my life

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
-the Golden rule

The message is clear. Treat others well. Expect the same for yourself. I frequently criticize people who have ideas that I consider 'crazy'. My personal beliefs are not above reproach. I have lots of interesting ideas all of the time. Some are good and some are a little bit crazy. It is easy for me to see from afar the folly of others' beliefs; however I am sure that I carry some prejudices and strange ideas myself.

Here follows a list of all of the interesting and slightly strange ideas to which have recently or currently subscribe. I believe certain ones more strongly than others. Please feel free to comment, question or openly mock my personal beliefs.

  • Running barefoot is good for you. Running shoes are a crutch from which every athlete should be weaned away.
  • Owning Pets is a dumb idea.
  • Stay at home Mom is the best way to be a Mom for my kids.
  • Working Moms can do a great job but it is more difficult.
  • Some Moms are lazy and do a bad job whether they are at home or work.
  • Every person is beautiful.
  • Exercise could solve most of the our nation's problems.
  • Organic food is elitist in a world where so many have so little.
  • Restraunts are bad for us in general.
  • I have a civic duty to welcome my kids' friends into our home.
  • Children should play outdoors everyday for atleast an hour even in the dead of winter.
  • Television is bad for children and can halt their social and emotional maturity.
  • Couples who express their love for eachother publicly are doing so because their relationship is not all that secure.
  • Americans have/buy too much stuff. As a nation we should cut way back on christmas and birthday presents.
  • Vaccinations are the greatest public health program of this century.
  • As a mother I have a divine duty to be an example to my children of a happy well balanced life.
  • Exposure to lots of ideas and people will teach my kids how to act well in the world as adults.
  • The Book of Mormon is true. The church of Jesus Christ of Latterday saints (Mormon church) is true. Now all I have to do is live it.
  • I will be a better person if I constantly re-evaluate my ideas and values.

So, these are my core ideas. feel free to question them and/or criticize. I plan to criticize lots of ideas to which I do not subscribe, so please have at it. Who knows, you may even change my opinion about something!

the W diet

The W diet!!!!!!
a secret doctors and pharmacuetical companies have been hiding from the general public for years.

why have they been hiding it?
so they can make money off of selling us things that do not work;
exercise (which increases hunger and leads to more weight gain)
statins to lower cholesterol, which study after study has shown to be unnecessary
bariatric surgery
weight loss programs which employ dieticians and counselors who all benefit from the weight loss industry.

The 5 leading causes if death in this country are related to excessive weight gain. The funeral home industry alone would suffer great losses of this secret got out, which is why it has been so well protected in the past.

But I am not going to let them win. The public needs this information. Society will benefit from it even if I myself suffer personal and professional loss.

The secret is the W Diet.
Foods which start with the letter W are more nutritious and better for you than anything else. Really it makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary point of view

Language evolved so that 'you' or 'oo' referred to the body. This is displayed in primitive cultures across the globe. Double is derived from the latin doubla meaning twice as much. so it is that the ancient wisdom of "twice as good for you" came to be the beginning sound of every food found by primitive man to be especially healthy.

Some examples;
Whale Meat
Whole Wheat Bread
Wheat berries
Winesap apples

The W diet, though it has been kept from the general public in its entirety is completely supported by scientific evidence.

Watermelon is one of the world's healthiest foods.

Water is essential to our survival.
Even the most vehement opposition to this diet will not deny that Water is incredibly benefical and makes up the vast majority of every other 'healthy' diet.

Whole grains are universally acknowledged for their health benefits.

Watercress is also an unsung hero of vitality.

Whale meat is the healthiest of all meat sources. A safe alternative to cholesterol promoting steak, and fat-packed pork.

Water buffalo and Wildebeast are good sources as well.

Where , you may ask, is the proof of this diet? the success stories?
Well it has just recently been leaked from the medical establishment, so it has been hitherto largely unknown among the general public, however those in the know have been using it for years for their own personal health.
Think about it, Doctors as a whole tend to be healthier than the general population.

But why exactly is that? The answer is that they have had access to this W Diet and have been following it themselves. Others in high places, pharmacuetical executives, CEOs of large companies, even our own former president.

George W Bush believed in the W diet so strongly that he changed his middle inital to reflect his love for the diet which gave him such robust health.

Now that we have established the scientific support of the W Diet, why, you may ask, does everyone not follow it? well, we have been fed misinformation for years, lots of junk about low fat and low cholesterol all of it a bunch of bunk. Our natural tendency passed on to us from our primitive ancestors has been conditioned out of us by the medical community. To assist you in your retraining I am offering a service to help you get started in your new life

W Diet personal eating assistant
I, or one of my trained W dieticians, will come to your home and follow you around all day. Whenever you are about to eat something that does not begin with the letter W, we will slap your hand with a fly swatter. Thus you will learn through operant comditioning to eat in a way that will benefit your life, help you to shed pounds, and lead a happy productive healthy life.

Still unconvinced? just read these testimonials from followers of the W diet!!!!

"I tried everything; weight watchers, atkins, wiring my jaw shut, but it wasn't until Valerie came to my house and hit me with a fly swatter everytime I tried to eat anything besides watercress that I reallt started to shed the pounds."

"I had high cholesteral and heart disease. My doctor blamed it on excess calories and lack of exercise. Darn medical establishment. I found the Wdiet and now I am doing great. lost lots of weight eating all the whale meat I can get my hands on, watermelon and whole wheat bread. Ofcourse next month I start my 18 month prison term for poaching grey whales, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices for our health."

What are you Waiting for???? You are Worth it!!!! The W diet will work for you!!!!!!
Buy my new book

Wdiet cook book
only $29.99
contains recipes for all of the W foods in the world. Willow wisp stew. White Wheat porrige, wombat sandwiches, Walnut bread, wren pie, Washtucna Yogurt, wry rye bread, watermelon pickles, and many more.

Wdiet personal eating assistant
$100/hr personal dietician service

Call 1-800-eat-wdiet to get the cook book or sign up for the personal dietary service!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The beginning

I plan to attack a new idea every week. Hopefully my opinion will all be well reasoned and informed. If not, I will just practice writing. My skills have gotten rusty lately and I plan to return to school in a couple of years so I need to build them up a bit.

I love this website. These guys do great research.

I draw lots of info from them as well as the general news stream.

Topic #1

...coming soon....