Sunday, September 13, 2009

Examine my life

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
-the Golden rule

The message is clear. Treat others well. Expect the same for yourself. I frequently criticize people who have ideas that I consider 'crazy'. My personal beliefs are not above reproach. I have lots of interesting ideas all of the time. Some are good and some are a little bit crazy. It is easy for me to see from afar the folly of others' beliefs; however I am sure that I carry some prejudices and strange ideas myself.

Here follows a list of all of the interesting and slightly strange ideas to which have recently or currently subscribe. I believe certain ones more strongly than others. Please feel free to comment, question or openly mock my personal beliefs.

  • Running barefoot is good for you. Running shoes are a crutch from which every athlete should be weaned away.
  • Owning Pets is a dumb idea.
  • Stay at home Mom is the best way to be a Mom for my kids.
  • Working Moms can do a great job but it is more difficult.
  • Some Moms are lazy and do a bad job whether they are at home or work.
  • Every person is beautiful.
  • Exercise could solve most of the our nation's problems.
  • Organic food is elitist in a world where so many have so little.
  • Restraunts are bad for us in general.
  • I have a civic duty to welcome my kids' friends into our home.
  • Children should play outdoors everyday for atleast an hour even in the dead of winter.
  • Television is bad for children and can halt their social and emotional maturity.
  • Couples who express their love for eachother publicly are doing so because their relationship is not all that secure.
  • Americans have/buy too much stuff. As a nation we should cut way back on christmas and birthday presents.
  • Vaccinations are the greatest public health program of this century.
  • As a mother I have a divine duty to be an example to my children of a happy well balanced life.
  • Exposure to lots of ideas and people will teach my kids how to act well in the world as adults.
  • The Book of Mormon is true. The church of Jesus Christ of Latterday saints (Mormon church) is true. Now all I have to do is live it.
  • I will be a better person if I constantly re-evaluate my ideas and values.

So, these are my core ideas. feel free to question them and/or criticize. I plan to criticize lots of ideas to which I do not subscribe, so please have at it. Who knows, you may even change my opinion about something!

1 comment:

  1. drat! My ideas are changing again! I now believe that working moms are just as good and perhaps on balance, superior to at home moms as they tend to be happier. Their children tend to have more Money, which is a huge factor in their likelihood for higher education and other future success. If I had started my family later I might work full-time and be better for it. I now think it is a non-issue.
