Sunday, September 13, 2009

the W diet

The W diet!!!!!!
a secret doctors and pharmacuetical companies have been hiding from the general public for years.

why have they been hiding it?
so they can make money off of selling us things that do not work;
exercise (which increases hunger and leads to more weight gain)
statins to lower cholesterol, which study after study has shown to be unnecessary
bariatric surgery
weight loss programs which employ dieticians and counselors who all benefit from the weight loss industry.

The 5 leading causes if death in this country are related to excessive weight gain. The funeral home industry alone would suffer great losses of this secret got out, which is why it has been so well protected in the past.

But I am not going to let them win. The public needs this information. Society will benefit from it even if I myself suffer personal and professional loss.

The secret is the W Diet.
Foods which start with the letter W are more nutritious and better for you than anything else. Really it makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary point of view

Language evolved so that 'you' or 'oo' referred to the body. This is displayed in primitive cultures across the globe. Double is derived from the latin doubla meaning twice as much. so it is that the ancient wisdom of "twice as good for you" came to be the beginning sound of every food found by primitive man to be especially healthy.

Some examples;
Whale Meat
Whole Wheat Bread
Wheat berries
Winesap apples

The W diet, though it has been kept from the general public in its entirety is completely supported by scientific evidence.

Watermelon is one of the world's healthiest foods.

Water is essential to our survival.
Even the most vehement opposition to this diet will not deny that Water is incredibly benefical and makes up the vast majority of every other 'healthy' diet.

Whole grains are universally acknowledged for their health benefits.

Watercress is also an unsung hero of vitality.

Whale meat is the healthiest of all meat sources. A safe alternative to cholesterol promoting steak, and fat-packed pork.

Water buffalo and Wildebeast are good sources as well.

Where , you may ask, is the proof of this diet? the success stories?
Well it has just recently been leaked from the medical establishment, so it has been hitherto largely unknown among the general public, however those in the know have been using it for years for their own personal health.
Think about it, Doctors as a whole tend to be healthier than the general population.

But why exactly is that? The answer is that they have had access to this W Diet and have been following it themselves. Others in high places, pharmacuetical executives, CEOs of large companies, even our own former president.

George W Bush believed in the W diet so strongly that he changed his middle inital to reflect his love for the diet which gave him such robust health.

Now that we have established the scientific support of the W Diet, why, you may ask, does everyone not follow it? well, we have been fed misinformation for years, lots of junk about low fat and low cholesterol all of it a bunch of bunk. Our natural tendency passed on to us from our primitive ancestors has been conditioned out of us by the medical community. To assist you in your retraining I am offering a service to help you get started in your new life

W Diet personal eating assistant
I, or one of my trained W dieticians, will come to your home and follow you around all day. Whenever you are about to eat something that does not begin with the letter W, we will slap your hand with a fly swatter. Thus you will learn through operant comditioning to eat in a way that will benefit your life, help you to shed pounds, and lead a happy productive healthy life.

Still unconvinced? just read these testimonials from followers of the W diet!!!!

"I tried everything; weight watchers, atkins, wiring my jaw shut, but it wasn't until Valerie came to my house and hit me with a fly swatter everytime I tried to eat anything besides watercress that I reallt started to shed the pounds."

"I had high cholesteral and heart disease. My doctor blamed it on excess calories and lack of exercise. Darn medical establishment. I found the Wdiet and now I am doing great. lost lots of weight eating all the whale meat I can get my hands on, watermelon and whole wheat bread. Ofcourse next month I start my 18 month prison term for poaching grey whales, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices for our health."

What are you Waiting for???? You are Worth it!!!! The W diet will work for you!!!!!!
Buy my new book

Wdiet cook book
only $29.99
contains recipes for all of the W foods in the world. Willow wisp stew. White Wheat porrige, wombat sandwiches, Walnut bread, wren pie, Washtucna Yogurt, wry rye bread, watermelon pickles, and many more.

Wdiet personal eating assistant
$100/hr personal dietician service

Call 1-800-eat-wdiet to get the cook book or sign up for the personal dietary service!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Valerie-
    I would totally hire you to come to my house and enforce me to eat correctly. Mostly I think it would be effective because you would make me run. Wombat might be gross.
