Sunday, April 10, 2011

All beliefs are not equal.

Michigan is having its own round of freedom of information requests used as intimidation for professors doing labor-related research.

The fairness doctrine is difficult to argue against. Giving the 'other side' a chance to have a say seems valid as a rule, but when the 'other side' has ulterior motives - like they produce fossil fuels, then their opinion on such issues as global warming is really not valid. Unfortunately through ALEC oil companies get to draft their own laws, which are then rubber stamped by their GOP counterparts.

The 'fairness' idea breaks down when we bring science and research into the picture. When they are proven incorrect, the Koch agenda cites "beliefs" and cries "biased research". OFcourse they want researchers who do not believe in global warming, but these are rare because everyone who is qualified to be an expert learns enough about the environment that to deny global warming (though there is plenty debate on how to fix it) would be an outright lie. A few experts will lie- there are quacks in every field- but this is a case of knowledge, not some biased conspiracy.

All beliefs are not equal. The story of Nehor in the Book of Mormon is a good example of this.

I find it interesting in the end of the story, Nehor finally admits his lie, but his followers do not renounce their beliefs, so damage is still done. He must have had a very compelling argument, perhaps something to gratify pride. I wonder how similar Nehor's arguments were to the marketing of lies that we hear today.

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