Sunday, April 17, 2011

the tangled web

Just in case you are not yet convinced that all the powers on the far-right are combining together to destroy the State of Wisconsin, here is an article outlining some of the connections.

And if that is not enough, Leaders of the TEA Party movement have also been linked to white supremacists groups. This is really not news, as the Koch Bro.s' father was a founding member of the John Birch Society, whose expressed mission was to reverse civil rights. The latest incarnation shies away from the anti-civil rights message- often citing their minority members as evidence that they are "not racist" of course, anyone familiar with the civil rights movement knows that it was a movement of the lower middle class and poor. The Wealthy blacks did not participate nearly as much, and indeed some were opposed.

The fact that the AFP, Tea Party, and Koch industries have close connections with lots of racist groups does not mean that they themnselves must be racist; but they also openly support policies and legislation that hurt the poor more than the rich or middle class. Perhaps they are not truly racist, but rather classist, as their ideas and goals- which are pedaled to them by big businesses like Koch industries under the guise of being 'pro-industry' -support policies that will make the poor poorer, limit education, reduce wages, and limit aid for those who are least able to help themselves.

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