Thursday, April 7, 2011

prosser's 'victory' fund

Justice Prosser's home website is soliciting unlimited private donations for a 'victory' fund to ensure that the recount is done in such a way that 'Prosser's victory is preserved' I do not doubt that a recount could change the results, in 2004 a recount in the Washington state gubernatorial race yielded 723 uncounted ballots. However, Kloppenburg is the winner of the election. Prosser's campaign is requesting the recount, which means that he actually did come in with 209 fewer voted than Kloppenburg.

The Koch Brothers were able to inject a lot of money into this election by setting up a non profit dumbie non-profit. Cognitive Dissidence has a pretty good analysis of the situation. Prosser's interests outspent Kloppenburg's outside supporters 3:2. They still could not buy the election, so now it appears that there is an attempt to buy the recount.

In Wisconsin recounts are funded by the state if the margin of victory is within .5%. In this election 1.4 million votes were cast, with record turnout for a spring election. The recount will be long, and is generally conducted by the poll workers, with the majority of the cost being shouldered by local governments.

I guess that local government officials might be a bit biased against the Walker agenda, as his 'budget repair' takes a lot of state funding away from local governments, and limits the ability of local governments to raise money through property taxes. All this while giving tax breaks to corporations, increasing funding for highways, and reducing government oversight.

People involved in government know that Walker's agenda is bad news. Perhaps this is why Prosser and (let's not kid ourselves) the Koch Brothers are setting up a fund to 'oversee' the recount. I would not put any sort of fraud past the Walker administration, I have confidence that the Elections Board will conduct itself appropriately.

I am afraid that the Republicans will trump up charges of voter fraud and use their ready masses of angry tea partiers to get support for "Voter ID" which will disenfranchise the poor and young, and which are two groups of people that the Walker Agenda hopes to disenfranchise. It is an article of faith among Tea Partiers (Koch Brothers, ALEC) that people who oppose them aren't a part of the 'real america' which is part of their justification for Voter ID and removing same-day voter registration. Senate Bill 6 is a travesty.

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