Friday, April 8, 2011

Harry Reid is my hero

Harry Reid is standing for what is right. He is pressing the GOP on their budget bill, and the GOP is holding it up because they want to strip funding from Planned Parenthood and cultural programs like NPR- now this could be 100% fiscally motivated- except that it isn't. Plenty of bigwig Republicans are encouraging the GOP to cut a deal- the GOP already got the cuts that it originally wanted.

Planned parenthood provides reproductive health services to women for low or no cost. It is a favorite topic for the GOP because it involves the twin evils of sex and helping the poor. Harry Reid is standing firm, asking the GOP point blank if they are willing to shut down the government just to show that they are against birth control and privately funded abortions.

The GOP is dodging the question, because they are ashamed of their agenda and know that it is wrong. I am so proud of my fellow Mormon. Through his example I have a way to be a member of this church and still stand up for social justice. Thank you Harry Reid, for giving me a role model in being politically active.

I hate the authoritarian nature of so much of LDS culture. Harry Reid is sort of my one and only example of integrity. Mitt Romney might have started out fine, but as he is now a republican he has started the inevitable GOP radicalization to the far-right in order to win Tea Party and Koch Brothers' Support. He is a sell-out, and I find that especially disgusting.

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