Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I am a fan of "Serenity" and "firefly"..... well written, pretty violent and definitely pg13. I would be lying if I said I didn't LOVE it.

I think that I will be Zoe for Halloween this year, and force Benjamin to dress up as Wash. Benjamin could also be Mal, but he looks the most like Wash. I can make my hair look like Zoe, and I will just keep a look out for leather clothes, holsters, fake guns, and knee length boots. I also get to lose 30 pounds, which I wanted to do anyways.

This is such great motivation to lose weight!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Favorite NPR Moment

Sometime around about Christmas 2002, I was doing some holiday baking and listening to A science program on National Public Radio. The host was Ira Glass, and the subject was 'best inventions and scientific advancements of the year'. People called in with their ideas about the latest energy efficent cars, stem cell research, and mass communication wonders. These were the dark days before iphones and ubiquitous flatscreens.

In the midst of this rather mundane conversation An elderly lady called in and said that in her opinion, the best invention of 2002 was a certain advancement in the treatment of diabetes. by a certain scientist whom she named.
The host, wishing to give her a chance to expand on her opinion, asked if she herself were diabetic.
No, she responded, I am his mother.
What? mother of a diabetic?

No, the scientist's Mother.
yes. The scientist's Mother had called Ira Glass on NPR and promoted her son as having the best scientific invention of 2002.

After a perceptible shock, the host continued on.

That was the funniest thing I have ever heard on Public Radio.
If you can imagine, it was even better in person.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Little things won't save the planet....

As sad as it is, recycling and buying new appliances aren't going to save the planet.

Eliminating carbon emissions right now may work, it probably would still be too late for the icecaps and with them the polar bears and penguins. But this week in Copenhagen the President is meeting with the heads of state of countries all over the world. We are all affected by the warming of our planet, the wanton destruction of habitat, mass pollution of the oceans, etc. The leaders most able to combat this destruction are the ones least affected by its effects. The residents wealthy first world nations can afford to export our garbage, even fund mass evacuations in the event of hurricanes and flooding.

We can ignore the evidence of global warming, even allow a large contingent of our population , nearly 50% deny that global warming exists or poses a significant problem. Our government reflects this lack of concern. Our World is dying and we have our heads in the sand. It is a huge problem. It is overwhelming to ponder this, as its effects will be seen in 100 years when our world does not change, and the sacrifices required have very real effects in the current economy and society.

As this all plays out, I hope that President Obama works hard to gain approval for a steep reduction in carbon emissions, drastic steps towards cleaning up our earth. It is probably impossible to do very much in such a setting. As I mentioned in a previous post, Drastic measures are needed and will not happen.

Though I know my efforts are small and ineffectual on a large scale I believe that in addition to my own effects my example can be circumspect so that I may inspire others to live in a better way. Here are my efforts to live in an environmentally responsibly way;
1. Living situation-- We are living in a 1400 sq ft house, and we will not upgrade to anything larger ever. We are committed to living efficently, in town where we can walk to school, bike to work, and drive short distances when needed.
2. St vincent DePaul---My favorite environmental activity, I try and get everything used. It is cheaper for us, great for the SVDP Charity, and apparently good for the planet
3. Reusable shopping bags-- I abhor plastic bags. Yuck.
4. Vegetarian --I don't eat meat, The rest of us are omnivores, but I like to think that we are a bit more conscientious of our carbon footprints, and definately are below average in meat consumption.
5. Garden . We have a garden. Our yard, which is the typical .25 acre, is slowly transforming into a productive edible smorgasborg of gardeny bliss. Last year we added raspberries. This spring we will hopefully add some fruit trees and grow some melons.
6. Clothesline In the summer I use the clothes line to dry our laundry. We use the dryer for underwear and when it rains. I love to say that out 'energy star dryer' consists of some string and clothes pins.
7. Voting I take every oppertunity to vote for representatives who support the long term health of our planet and the people who live here.

Here are the things I am doing which are not great for the environment;
1. House. I live in a single family home. Our apartments were much more efficent and environmental.
2. Large Family I have 4 children and I may have more. The environmental movement is at its heart about population. I am a good mother, so I believe that will counteract their environmental impact. I also believe that the purpose of the earth is for people to live here responsibly and happily. Does this mean that I should have 5 kids? I am not sure. I am conflicted about this, but I do know that I am a good mother. Perhaps a better solution for the future would be foster children.
3. Disposable diapers. The carbon footprint is about the same as cloth diapers, but they do contain plastic which I abhor. Sorry environment. I will just plant some more trees to offset this.

It is easy to tell other people what they should do, much mroe difficult to lead by example. I am sure that I have a lot more that I can do to lessen my negative impact. Interestingly, poverty tends to make everyone more green. Living in an efficent apartment versus a large home; Driving a small car with great gas mileage versus owning several;

Perhaps the economic downturn will effect some of the environmental change that we will not initiate ourselves.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We need a little communism...

When we we know that capitalism has failed?
Perhaps when we produce more than is good for us. Our consumption demands that we clear cut rainforests. We have filled the oceans with our plastic refuse. Our carbon emissions are heating up the planet and have set in motion climate change that may eventually mean the end of hundreds of species. All this is not the neccessary byproduct of modern progress. It is very possible to reduce our carbon emissions drasticly, we can halt encroachment on the remaining wilderness and restore much of what has been lost on the past.

Environmentalism is expensive, and our capitalistic system rewards the production and marketing of things. I doesn't pay to save the planet. As things go now, I don't think the planet will be saved. Polar bears may already be unsaveable. Some scientists believe that the polar icecaps will be melted in the next 50 years, even if all carbon emissions were stopped today. sure, the scientists may be wrong. In the 1980's some scientist at Nasa predicted that when carbon levels in the air reached 350ppm, that the earth would no longer be able to support life. We are curently at 386, so hey, What do scientists know?

Eventually we are going to destroy ourselves. Drastic change, which is what is needed, will not come about under our current system.

Communism is the only way to fix this mess. We need to think about the good of the community before the good of ourselves. The government needs to undermine our personal freedom to kill ourselves and put an immediate moratorium on plastics, new cars, McMansion homes, soda pop, and other stuff that is really fun for us now, but won't be so great in 50 years when we are drowning in our own waste.

Perhaps accountablity is another option. Every community could be required to retain and dispose of its own trash in its vicinity. Another idea is to measure and tax carbon emissions.

I really think communism is the way to do this. We need some expert scientists at the head of government. A bunch of PHDs, who are not paid very well. They will argue back and forth, but eventually will come up with guidelines for environmental recovery. This process will be painful and everyone will complain. There will be revolts from Conservative Christians who will not believe in global warming. Las Vegas, St George, and other Desert cities will be abandonned becasue of their environmental instability. Most people will live in mid sized apartments, largely abandonning the urban sprawl. About 75% of our cars will be abandonned, melted down for their metals.

This will be difficult, but not impossible. Humanity may survive. I really can't think of another way to do this. What will not work is the Status Quo.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A good day to run.

I just completed a 20/20
that is, I ran 20 miles on friday, then I ran 20 miles on Saturday. I am pretty sore, but the realy hurdle to this fete was psychological. I haven't gone over 20 in a single run since September. Hopefully I will do 20+ almost every weekend from now on.

I am almost back into untrarunning mode.
just got to triple by 2o mile long run. Not nearly so hard to do as it is to think about.

Bring it on MAD CITY 1ooK. I can take it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mill on the Floss

Yesterday in the Grocery store, the boring music playing over the loudspeaker suddenly changed to DANCING QUEEN by Abba. My 6 yr old little girl immediately started to dance around and sing along. Ofcourse she doesn't really know most of the words, but why should that stop her?

If only I could embrace my life with such fervor and abandon every day. What stops me from such great fun and enjoyment of every minute??
What would Maggie Tulliver do in such a situaiton?

I just finished The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot a.k.a. Maryann Evans

There is a lot about life in this book. At first glance I assumed that the sudden young death of Maggie and her brother was just an easy way for the author to resolve a very difficult impasse- Maggie is in the middle of a love and duty and commitment triangle. As I think about it more- and there is a lot to think about because it is a great book- I believe the entire plot to be a carefully crafted allegory of love, justice, and the grace of God.

Maggie represents love, or mercy. Her great shortcoming is that she is impulsive. She spends a great deal of the book improving herself by avoiding pleasures because she "loves them too much" all of this self denial is an effort to be a better person. Her friends, especially Phillip, encourage her to stop denying herself of all pleasure, telling her that it is not good. She promises to love Phillip, though he is really just a friend because she does not want to ever disapoint him. Later Steven decides he loves her more than Lucy to whomm he is practicly engaged. MAggies refuses him to avaoid hurting Lucy. Maggies does not seek her own interest, always determining to endure and put away her own happiness. When life in her home town becomes unbearable because of the gossip about her, she is encouraged to leave and work somewhere else. Maggie stays in town because she doesn't want to avoid hardship, or run away. She purposely chooses the more difficult life. In the end She is drowned along with her brother. All of their efforts to be good and restore family honor are for naught.

This sentiment is further illustrated in Tom's life. He is sent to school, and a great deal of money is spent on his education to make him a 'Man of consequence' The education turns out to be a sham, he is taught latin and painting. After his father fails in business Tom works hard at attends more school so he can learn business, eventually buying back the family mill and home. This accomplishment is much heralded by his aunts and uncles. Tom has a strong sense of justice. He takes it upon himself to punish his sister and corrent her for what he sees as her short comings, expecially her failed elopement with Steven. At last, during the great flood the mill and house are all destroyed, and Maggie shows great bravery in coming to rescue Tom. here Tom senses his own wrong and learns that Maggie is a good person. The destruction of the Mill is symbolic of the ruin of Tom's ideas about justice.

The great flood can be seen as the grace of God. The struggles of Maggie and Tom were inconsequential compared with the great saving power of God. He would destroy or save despite all or none of their own efforts. In another sense, Justice (Tom) and Love(Maggie) are not to be lived in an extreme way. Our lives on earth are complicated, and we can not live always choosing the right way to be without failure, nor should we try. No person can be right and good always like Tom, nor can we constantly sacrifice our own good for the benefit of others (Maggie). To be good people and live a good life we must sometimes hurt those around us, maybe even cheat our fellowman as Bob Jackum does. No one can save themselves on their own merit.

That is an interesting message. No one gets out unscathed.

This book had great writing.
I especially love the Mothers' aunts who are so gossipy and judgemental, especially when the family lost all of their household items, sold at auction and the aunts and uncles discuss what to buy, and then they keep the stuff and give it back to Tom years later as presents when he gets the Mill back! What awful people! but there are real people like that, always blaming the poor for being poor. Their religion is described as 'inherited' and "if their bibles, if they opend to one place more than another was as likely to be from the pressing of tulip petals as from use".
I love that the father chose his wife because she was simple and stupid. I love the Aunt Moss and how the Father treats her well because he believed this would lead to Tom treating Maggie well. I like that her 'great shame' was having an 8 children and being poor. She really was the nicest person in the book.
My favorite scene was where Phillip confronts his father about his friendship with Maggie and asks him to put aside his family quarrel. Phillip, in that scene was definately the more manly of the two lovers. Phillip loved Maggie as a friend as well as a lover. He considered her feelings and her wellbeing before his own.

Steven's love was true. But he did not consider so well the consequences of his actions. His love of her was his primary motivation. When she left him he thought of the grief that he would endure, not really about Maggie. He was not a bad person, but innocently self centered. Not a sufficent match for the self effacing Maggie.

This was a great book. I like the idea that we should all be happy as we are and not worry too much about getting through this life perfectly. Our failings are mortal and we can only do our best.
The love scenes rival Jane Austen.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why did I think that was a good idea?

So I dressed up as Victoria the EVIL Vampire and went to see the 'New Moon' Movie. It was super funt o get dressed up. I haven't really worn makeup in a long time, certainly not "full makeup" I did eyeliner. I poked my eyes with a soft pencil, to outline my eyes. I never understood why eyeliner is used, who started it out, and why so many of my sisters think it is so important. YUCK! eyeliner is the devil. I also found all of my eyeshadow and caked it on my eyelids. Vicoria the evil Vampire is sort of cheap looking. That, and about 5 years behind on her sense of style. She likes to dress a bit young for herself.
She has long red hair which is curly and not really brushed.
In short, she looks like me. I love her look.

I did not dress up this halloween becasue I was super busy. I had a costume planned (statue of liberty OR madison 'liberal'-complete with a "libertarians for singlepayer" button) but it never came together. I deeply regretted this oppertunity to plat dress up. So at the opening night of NEW MOON I saw another chance. I could dressup again, and I could do it well. I already own too-tight jeans and a Tshirt with the neck band cut out. I did my skanky makeup and even put some red gel hair dye in my hair. Finally I did not have to worry about making my hair look normal. I let it curly in all its crazy frizzy curly hairness. I like my hair.

Most people think that my hair looks the way it does from a lack of time. or perhaps it is a result of my frequent showering (which is the usual result of my frequent workouts) However I love my hair. I think that lots of long curly hair gives me personality. I want it to grow out and be a lto longer. I hope that I never cut my hair.

Anyways, a furry wrap completed the outfit. I actually looked a bit like the vampire. It was great. Then I got to the Movie theatre. I am just not confident yet. I got embarrassed. Fortunaely I haven't worn makeup or jeans or hair dye for a long time. I was pretty much not recognizeable.

Never the less I slinked away after the movie and was very relieved to get in my car and drive home. Dress up is super fun, however perhaps It can wait until halloween next year.

Given all that, thursday I saw this lady at the library, she had on a furry vest (like grizzly fur-did she hunt/harvest herself?) also, a colorful scarf on her head, and a red tie. I hope she was dressed up for childrens' story time, however I suspect this was her real outfit that day.

I really am not mocking her. I am jealous that she has such self possession. Perhaps I can someday be so self assured that I can wear any crazy outfit in public without fear.

When that day comes you will know it because I will be at the library wearing a furry grizzly fur vest, a bright red tie, and and an awesome scarf. Stare, point, etc. I won't care.

Given this, can you all now understand why I encourage Maddie in her dressing up? It is a sign that she loves herself and is happy with her body.

Perhaps I will make her that polar bear suit she wanted for christmas.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"The Wednesday Letters" is THE DEVIL

The Wednesday Letters by John l. Frank

Brief synopsis;
Two old people die at the same time, at the end of a long marriage. Their three children with varying degrees of complicated lives return for the funeral and discover boxes and boxes of letters that the husband faithfully wrote to his wif every week (every wednesday) of their married life.

One family secret discovered is that the youngest son, Malcolm was fathered by his Mother's rapist. Later we find out that the rapist went to prison and then 'found God' and became a pastor in his parents' community. The Mother forgave the Pastor and harbors no ill will and the reader is led to believe that this is an example of the Mother's great goodness.

I disagree. I believe that this message is misleading and perhaps dangerous. Forgiveness is an interesting subject. On a large scale we are encouraged to forgive all men. The scriptures say "I the Lord forgive whom I will forgive but of you it is required to forgive all men". And the nature of forgiveness is clearly stated..."When a man repenteth I the Lord remember their sin no more". From this elementary glance at the scripture we might conclude that we ought to go through life harboring no grudges, remembering no guilt, and giving others lots of extra chances to change and be better and try again. Even if they offend us again and again and again.

This is a description of How we need to repent. God forgives us over and over, will never gove up and will always help us to progress. God also has the power to see into our hearts, knows our intentions, and can absovle sin.

As mortals we can not look into the future, we do not know the thoughts and intents of eachother. We also, though we aspire to be like Christ, are not divine. We do not have the power and ability to absolve sin, nor should we aspire to that.

Foregiveness in the case of serious sin; murder or sexual abuse is a difficult subject. An article in the addressed that issue a few years ago, it advised that those who had been offended to forgive by letting go of hate, but at the same time keeping themselves and their families safe by avoiding the perpetrator. We are counselled not the judge others unrighteously. In this command we are also obligated to judge others righteously, that is discerning between good an evil, righ and wrong. We are not to be "unequally yoked with unbelievers". I interpret this to mean that we need to make sure to help others, forgive, etc. But also avoid people that are very bad for us, potentually dangerous or harmful.

"ye are not meet to be commanded in all things but do many good things of our own good will and choice and bring to pass much righteousness"

Perhaps the best example of how to deal with repentant sinners comes from the representation of God on the earth; His church the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints;
The LDS church will put a note on the member ship record of any member who has ever been involved/accused of sexually abusing a child. Though I do not know of any specific situations, I imagine a person could fully repent of such a crime. The person could in theory be brought back into full fellowship in the church. The note of the record will always remain and precludes that person ever working with children in the church. The sin is not forgotten by the church.

We should follow the example of the church, forgive, but be cautious.

"The Wednesday Letters" with its simplistic misinterpretation of the principle of forgiveness promotes a dangerous idea. I fear that a naive or young victim of abuse might read it and think that reporting their abuse, or avoiding their abuser would fall into the category of "not forgiving". Reporting abuse is usually a difficult and embarrassing process. Young people should not also have to fight against false ideas about God and the nature of forgiveness. Abusers often use the threat of punishment by parents and even God as a way to control their victims and keep them quiet. The Author cannot be responsible for all the crazy ways his book with out a good plot or plausiblt story will be misinterpretted, however when someone introduces religous principles I believe he has an obligation to represent them fully and accurately. This book does not do this. It represents a half truth.

This book promotes a LIE.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

going rogue

Sara Palin's new book, Going Rogue is coming out soon. There are already two parody books coming out the same day...They are pretty funny Going Rouge is a Sarah Palin coloring book with such tasks as find color lipstick on the pigs, and pick which animal Sarah did not kill on2008 -choices are a moose, a caribou, sheep, and John McCain.
It looks like a lighthearted parody. But I think there is more.

Hillary Clinton RAn for the Democratic nomination and she got a lot of flack. I took a test on a political website and found that Hillary Clinton most closely matched my political views and ideals. I was hugely disappointed. I just didn't like her.

However I really liked a lot of the other candidates; Huckabee, McCain, even Howard Dean they all seemed very personable to me; I was prejudiced against Clinton. I believe that I held her to a different standard. Possibly I am not used to seeing a woman vie for president and feel that she is out of her place. In reality this is sexism. I didn't think a woman should be our president.

The media put Clinton through a lot more scrutiny that Obama. There is a Saturday night live skit where Obama is given softball questions, and Clinton gets difficult questions, then gets ignored. This is more true than false.

Palin got a lot of flack as well. She was underqualified and out of her league. She was a bad campaign decision. McCain made a mistake. That being said, she was not the only underqualified running mate or candidate ever selected. There is no Howard Dean coloring book, very few skits on Saturday night live about Kucinich or Quayle. These characters were all given a bit of attention and public ridicule, but they then faded from the the public consciousness.

Some of the public dislike of Palin is warranted. A large portion of it is good old fashioned american prejudice.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I have no response to that.....

So I go this crazy post on facebook about how H1N1 flu shot is a conspiracy theory.

There are legitimate arguments against universal vaccination. Truthfully, there is not a huge risk to healthy people from the H1n1 virus. The best reason to vaccinate is to protect babies, young children, and those with weakened immunity.

His argument contains some truth; the swine flue vaccine in the 1970's was largely unwarranted and resulted in some unneccessary complications. However this guy quickly turns to completely illegitimate arguments. He uses lots and lots of arguments that have nothing to do with the actual facts of this flu shot. He invokes every medical argument ever used against any vaccine and somehow applies it to this one flu shot. He even intimates that HIV may be in the vaccine.
He is completely crazy. If you don't believe me, check out the other posts on his blog. A better name for his blog might be 'crazyparanoidracistblog'.

Why would this "doctor" publish such a blog entry if there were no basis for his arguments?
I believe the answer is found in this article;
And also in the LDS scriptures, Doctrine and Covenants 121:39
"We have learned by sad experience that it is te nature and disposition of almost all men as soon as they get a little authority , as they suppose, they willl immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion"

I read the blog entry intending to poke a few holes in this guy's argument. However the things he said and presumably believed were so crazy, so conspiracy theorist. That I know there is no arguing with him. If he believes what he has written, and he has actually done enough research to know the truth, then he is crazy. If he does not believe his argument he is a liar or a sociopath and to appeal to mere fact will change that. There is probably no way to change this guy's own point of view, the best we can do is discredit his ideas.

One of his main methods is to use a lot of scientific terms and confuse the average reader. His arguments really have to basis. They are recycled from alarmist fearmongering that have been used all over the world for all sorts of vaccinations but ultimately have no basis. There are some risks with all vaccines. Things like a fever, mild soreness, and, in very rare cases, seizures and strokes. These more serious risks are so rare that it is not known whether the vaccines are responsible or not.

Fears about vaccines come and go in waves. They follow trends. There will be fearmongering, the usual waves of quacks and crazies publishing false data, anecdotal and false data that put certain vaccinations in a bad light.

Refusal to vaccinate is also a form of public protest. When people are upset with their government, vaccination rates fall.

The anti-science movement is one of the largest threats to modern medicine. Perhaps we will conquer aids and cancer, but will the cures truly succeed if large portions of the population are convinced that modern medicine is not in the public interest?

In the late 1990's The World Health organization was ready to eradicate Polio. The hope was that with universal vaccination it could be retired much like the small pox vaccination. Unfortunately a rumor started that the vaccines would render boys sterile. Enough people in Eastern africa believed this that the WHO was not able to deliver their universal vaccinations. As a result we will all continue to be vaccinated for polio, and be exposed to all the marginal though existant risks.

The Cervical cancer vaccine has been made available in recent years and there is a massive public outcry against it. Parents see it as sexualizing their young children, akin to early sex education. In truth practicly everyone will be sexually active and therefore potentually exposed in some degree to this virus. This vaccine is a bit overmarketed, I am not sure that it will offer enough protection long enough to be a part of the current vaccination regiment. The public backlash against it suggests that even if a refined vaccine that protected against all cervical cancer could exist, perhaps enough people wouldn't take it, and all that research and great medical advancement would be wasted.

Now onto HIV. There was actually an HIV vaccine trial in thailand recently. It only reduced the rate of infection by 20%, so it may not develop into a vaccination potent enough for public use. Apparently it needs to reduce the infection rate by 50% to be considered effective enough for use by the public. Were a vaccine to be developed against this scourge, would we Americans be willing to take it?
some of us refuse vaccines and encourage others to refuse them. We live in a land of low rates of these diseases, protected by the immunity of those around us. From where we sit vaccines are optional. This is not the case in all of the world.
HIV is a horrible disease. Many of the victims are women and children.
IF we had a HIV vaccine, if we could rid the world of this scourge, would the anti-vaccine camps slacken their fear mongering in the interest of world health?

I am sorry to say that some of us fat ugly americans would ignorantly exercise our "rights". Perhaps like polio it would not be eradicated and the disease would persist. Would we be able to see the faces of the dead and dying with a clear conscience?

I get very worked up about this subject (as you may be able to tell). there are a lot of real issues to worry about in the world. Lots of poverty and global warming. Wasting time, energy and resources on fear mongering conspiracy theories is not innocent, it is dangerous. It may even be sociopathic.

The real answer to the anti-science, anti-vaccination movement is education. I try to not let any mention of anti-vaccination propoganda go by without comment. I will not offer my silent assent to such irresponsible behavior.

I don't have to be mean about it, just calmly repeat some facts. Try to avoid the terms 'quack' and 'nutter' as they tend to make people angry.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

self mastery

the marshmellow experiment

If you’re thinking about the marshmallow and how delicious it is, then you’re going to eat it,” Mischel says. “The key is to avoid thinking about it in the first place.”

This is a link to a story in the New Yorker about kids who were given a marshmellow and told if they didn't eat it they could get a 2nd one after 15 minutes. The result was that most could not wait and those who could were good at everyting else in life. No surprise. However, The kids who could wait and not eat the marshmellow were able to do so because they had a method to distract them from eating the marshmellow.

No one can just sit and stare at a marshmellow and not eat it. That is impossible. The way to avoid eating it is to sing a song, or pretend it is a cloud.

With simple training, a few lessons on metacognition (the science of thinking about how to think) children were able to dramatically improve their waiting time.

I used to run 50mile ultramarathons, my last race was over 2 years ago. I am trying to get back into shape to do a 30 mile race this spring, and the distance running is daunting. I have been thinking about the psychology of running great distances lately. As I remember it, the way I got myself to do those was to break up the distance, focus on the podcasts I would have on the IPOD, and other wise distract myself from the physical discomfort of the exercise.

When I am trying to lose weight this week, I am going to avoid eating junk food by not having it in the house, earmarking it for the kids' lunches, and distracting myself by focusing on the TV I get to watch every evening after my healthy dinner. It is comforting to know that it is not really just a matter of "will power" but also a matter of strategy and controlling ones environment.

So, you may ask, why do I need to lose weight if I am training for huge running races? Well, It is evidence of the fact that exercise alone will not make you lose weight.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Whoever maketh and loveth a lie...

The conservative people at large, or republicans in general are nice reasonable people. This is what I would like to think. I assume they are intelligent and reasonable, and I am usually disappointed.

An example:

On the subject of slavery during a conversation on Lincoln....

"Most slaves weren't treated that bad"

To be fair, the conservative in question really didn't know anything about the emancipation or history in general, mixed up Lincoln and Jefferson, and didn't believe me when I mentioned that Andrew Johnson was the 17th president. Thought I meant Andrew Jackson, then argued the point for a while. Needless to say the 'political discussion' didn't get too far. Unfortunately this person has been able to vote for the last 30 years. I am surprised that even this little mind would hold to such a blatant lie.

Slaves were not treated well in general. This is not a point upon which there is debate.

So where did this lie originate? Who would believe this lie and why?
I remember hearing this lie as a child. Did it come from television or elementary school? I did live in a small white town. I hope it was a lie told to kids so they would not be upset about slavery. I suspect it was the true belief of some of our less educated neighbors and family. What began as a way to sugar coat history turned into denial of the sins of the nation's past.

I guess that the original lie came about more or less as a response to the great shame that America feels about its past. We are this land of opportunity with a lovely infallible constitution. Our great forefathers were guided by God to fight the revolution and forge this new country with a bill of rights for all people.

The story sounds good until you find slaves building the White House and Thomas Jefferson raping Sally Hemmings.

The story of our forefathers is complicated. It is a story of flawed people sometimes doing great good, and other times inexcusable evil. It is a lot of stories together. It is natural to cherry pick the best stories and hide others under the rug.

There is a natural tendency to canonize ones relatives, especially the ones long dead. No one speaks of their flaws so we assume they had none. We are their progeny. The strong rising generation, perhaps we have greater opportunity presumably as a result of their hard work. What are we if our own lives are not a testament to the good character of our ancestors?

To be sure respect and honor for ones parents and relatives is very appropriate. However we must not be blind to their imperfections. Many great evils have been accomplished by 'basically good' people. Stanley Milgram conducted his electric shock experiment in an effort to discover why the German people had allowed the holocaust to occur. His original hypothesis was that the German culture was such that people were overly compelled to follow authority. What he discovered is that the German people were not unique. He was able to get lots of people from all walks of life to inflict pain via electric shock.

What exactly would our venerated ancestors want to tell us, if they could leave us with a message, I would hope it would be to learn from their mistakes. We can't do that as long as we are content with an easily digestible story of our nation's part.

I tell my kids the truth. It may be upsetting, but that is the lesser evil.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Healthy Habit or Mental Illness?

I am a long distance Runner. It is may favorite activity. I am currently working to get back into shape after having my last baby. I can do a 20 mile long run and am working to average 50 miles per week. I look forward to training, and eventually racing. I love to race and I love to win.

Imagine my surprise when, in the process of learning about anxiety disorders, I learned that Aerobic exercise can be a treatment for most types of anxiety disorders.

Diane Van Deren is an ultrarunner who wasl also afflicted with epilepsy. She was able to have a surgery and has since had no seizures, but before claimed that Running would prevent her seizures. A part of her brain was damaged and part of her disability was her compulsion to run. Apparently after her surgery she tried to do laps up and down the halls in the hospital. She is now healthy and runs to raise money for epilepsy charities. If she were never epileptic one would guess she would not be such an ultrarunner.

Many former smokers become runners. The theory is that the feel-good dopamine released by smoking can also be accessed through intense exercise. Hence former addicts develope a new, albeit less harmful habit.

From this I surmise that Ultrarunning can be caused by a brain abnormality. It can also be used to mitigate the ravages of anxiety disorders.

Is my running really a fun activity or a brain-altering drug to which I am addicted??? Perhaps, Like Diane Van Deren I have some brain damage that compells me to run run run! Was my Mom correct when she said "only crazy people run marathons"?

Before I sign up for therapy or retire to a dreary life of 5k funruns, I will take a wider angle to this picture. There are a lot of runners. Some are crazy. Most are normal. All of them reap benefits from their physical activity. The crazies and semi-crazies attract attention so they get alot of coverage. Normal people (like me?) are invisible.

What if I am being compelled by a latent anxiety disorder to run and exercise everyday? 4-12 percent of the adult population suffers form an anxiety disorder. It may very well be true of me. If this is in fact the case for me, that I have some generalized anxiety problem, then my running is in effect the treatment.

Running enriches my life. On a typical day I put the kids in a stroller, jog 1-3 miles to a park, play, read, eat and stretch for an hour or more, then return home. I love this life. My kids go outdoors a lot. We save money on gas (which we spend on running shoes). I firmly believe that the way I live is wonderful, healthy, and happy. We are all so happy. How can my happy life be wrong?

Last of all, everything we do is caused or effected. No man is an island unto himself. My passion in life right now is a Boston Qualifying marathon. It sounds like fun, and I am going for it. Perhaps this drive is caused by my great character and upbringing, Or maybe my brain is predisposed to LOVE RUNNING.
Either way, the action is good. The causation is not so important.
I feel the same way about my marriage; Perhaps I didn't get married for "all the right reasons" however the 9 ensuing years have been great and define the current relationship. The ends is more important than the means.

in the words of Bon Jovi, "Tramps like us baby we were born to run"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alternative medicine = Bogus medicine

The scum of the EARTH....
People who sell quack Cancer treatments.
Here is the article that has left me so enraged;

Well, you say, so what can it hurt? Why not give people hope?

Because Most of the time, the VAST MAJORITY of the time, the people who pedal this junk know full well that it is snake oil.

The cancer patients themselves are desperate and vulnerable. They are not as discerning as they would normally be. They are also tired. Worn out with medications and treatments and side effects. This stuff seems like a miracle, a simple easy way out.

I do not blame the victims. Treatment is difficult. In many cases the best decision is not to treat, Hospice care or pain managment is the best course of action.

Unfortunately Some will try out quack cancer remedies in place of better treatment that might actually work. Others will use up financial resources as well as mental and physical energy to pursue a treatment that has no medical value.

I hate it. It is not "alternative"medicine, it is BOGUS medicine. Trying different treatments can be important. Patients should be comfortable witht heir dctors and have good care. Good nutrition is important. Psychological counselling can help. Patients who are not getting what they believe is the proper care should get a second opinion. DO NOT simply decide that some QUACK on late night TV suddenly knows more than your doctor.

Many different treatments can be used to fight cancer. These are not to be confused with BOGUS treatments. Doctors themselves may be slow to condemn such practices, careful to preserve lines of communication. Slow to tell their patients that they are doing stuff that is CRAZY.

It is CRAZY. Alternative medicine is, in general, a waste of time and money. Those who subscribe to such practices are quick to defend themselves. I have been very careful not to offend people who believe in alternative (bogus) medicine. It is a belief system. It is a placebo effect.

What is wrong with the placebo effect working? Why not let someone recover due to positive thinking as a result of snake oil ? Well, The recovery is credited to the quack treatment, which gives it "credit" and encourages others to forego modern medicine in favor of the bogus treatment. Hence the "Palcebo effect" recovery may prevent recovery from the "medical effect"

The Dirtbags who sell and promote this stuff do it out of pride or ignorance. This is why it is most prevalent in rural communities and among the undereducated.

Science education is great. Not only do people learn about natural systems and laws, but also how to research and learn. Critical thinking skills are important. Don't believe me? Just try to hold a conversation with someone who does not have them.

I used to give perveyors of Bogus medicine the benefit of the doubt ("maybe there is medicinal value in tree sap;,perhaps a study I don't know about?"). I now believe that this is the wrong approach. I need to stand up for truth where ever I find it, else my silence may be taken as an endorsement and I become a participant in a lie.

This week I will be especially vigilant in this. Watchout people.

Monday, September 21, 2009

peopleofwalmart could be me.

this is a hilariously funny website. Slightly risque. Also pretty mean. It makes un of pictures of people in Walmart stores. Walmar tis ubiquitous, so it really makes fun of americans and the crazy things that people wear. Unfortunately this quickly degenerates into poking fun at the poor, old, ugly and handicapped.

The webmaster apparently has 'standards' he won't post pictures of the handicapped or those in scooters. Well, good try but the real entertainment value of this site is in poor people from the south who wear out of style crazt colors and bad hair dye-jobs.

These people are hilarious, butonly because they are not me.
Now, at this stage of my life I am very together. I have nice clothes, cute kids, a great looking body, etc. Most people in my life situation would probably look better than me. I am on the sloppy side of normal. For instance I am neutral on the question of "Are shoes neccessary in public?" Also, I think that breastfeeding should be allowed everywhere all of the time. It is like a basic human right to be able to feed a baby all the time everywhere without any limit. wouldn't probably make fun of me right now. However what if my life became more difficult? It could turn any time and very easily.

It is easy to criticize those who live in different circumstances. Behind my house is a row of apartment buildings. There are a lot of kids running around 'unsupervised' and many parents are concerned about them. What those of us who have lived in apartment buildings understand is that life is just more difficult with less money.

When we were in an apartment, it was difficult to go and play with my kids outside. I did it , but I remember the effort it toook to dress everyone and follow them around. If I were to work at the same time there is no way I could have done that. We would have been indoors and watching TV a lot. I hope that I do not forget. I love my house, I love my yard, I love my easy life. I don't want to be the tired mom from the apartment building again, but you never know what could happen. It could be me again.

I could easily be the lady with the pink frilly shirt and shorts or the matching snake pants, or the person wearing the yellow plaid shirt and shorts. I am not that far off.
This is why, quite reluctantly, I am removing the blog link to from my main blog page.

It is funny, but it could be me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Book Review Time!!
Adam Bede...
So far it is awesome. George Eliot is my hero.

my favorite quote....
The character Arthur Donathorn goes to discuss some misconduct weighing upon his soul with the preacher over breakfast......

We are more distinctly conscious that rude penances are out of the question for gentlemen in an enlightened age, and that mortal sin is not incompatible with an appetite for muffins.

I love Muffins.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Examine my life

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
-the Golden rule

The message is clear. Treat others well. Expect the same for yourself. I frequently criticize people who have ideas that I consider 'crazy'. My personal beliefs are not above reproach. I have lots of interesting ideas all of the time. Some are good and some are a little bit crazy. It is easy for me to see from afar the folly of others' beliefs; however I am sure that I carry some prejudices and strange ideas myself.

Here follows a list of all of the interesting and slightly strange ideas to which have recently or currently subscribe. I believe certain ones more strongly than others. Please feel free to comment, question or openly mock my personal beliefs.

  • Running barefoot is good for you. Running shoes are a crutch from which every athlete should be weaned away.
  • Owning Pets is a dumb idea.
  • Stay at home Mom is the best way to be a Mom for my kids.
  • Working Moms can do a great job but it is more difficult.
  • Some Moms are lazy and do a bad job whether they are at home or work.
  • Every person is beautiful.
  • Exercise could solve most of the our nation's problems.
  • Organic food is elitist in a world where so many have so little.
  • Restraunts are bad for us in general.
  • I have a civic duty to welcome my kids' friends into our home.
  • Children should play outdoors everyday for atleast an hour even in the dead of winter.
  • Television is bad for children and can halt their social and emotional maturity.
  • Couples who express their love for eachother publicly are doing so because their relationship is not all that secure.
  • Americans have/buy too much stuff. As a nation we should cut way back on christmas and birthday presents.
  • Vaccinations are the greatest public health program of this century.
  • As a mother I have a divine duty to be an example to my children of a happy well balanced life.
  • Exposure to lots of ideas and people will teach my kids how to act well in the world as adults.
  • The Book of Mormon is true. The church of Jesus Christ of Latterday saints (Mormon church) is true. Now all I have to do is live it.
  • I will be a better person if I constantly re-evaluate my ideas and values.

So, these are my core ideas. feel free to question them and/or criticize. I plan to criticize lots of ideas to which I do not subscribe, so please have at it. Who knows, you may even change my opinion about something!

the W diet

The W diet!!!!!!
a secret doctors and pharmacuetical companies have been hiding from the general public for years.

why have they been hiding it?
so they can make money off of selling us things that do not work;
exercise (which increases hunger and leads to more weight gain)
statins to lower cholesterol, which study after study has shown to be unnecessary
bariatric surgery
weight loss programs which employ dieticians and counselors who all benefit from the weight loss industry.

The 5 leading causes if death in this country are related to excessive weight gain. The funeral home industry alone would suffer great losses of this secret got out, which is why it has been so well protected in the past.

But I am not going to let them win. The public needs this information. Society will benefit from it even if I myself suffer personal and professional loss.

The secret is the W Diet.
Foods which start with the letter W are more nutritious and better for you than anything else. Really it makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary point of view

Language evolved so that 'you' or 'oo' referred to the body. This is displayed in primitive cultures across the globe. Double is derived from the latin doubla meaning twice as much. so it is that the ancient wisdom of "twice as good for you" came to be the beginning sound of every food found by primitive man to be especially healthy.

Some examples;
Whale Meat
Whole Wheat Bread
Wheat berries
Winesap apples

The W diet, though it has been kept from the general public in its entirety is completely supported by scientific evidence.

Watermelon is one of the world's healthiest foods.

Water is essential to our survival.
Even the most vehement opposition to this diet will not deny that Water is incredibly benefical and makes up the vast majority of every other 'healthy' diet.

Whole grains are universally acknowledged for their health benefits.

Watercress is also an unsung hero of vitality.

Whale meat is the healthiest of all meat sources. A safe alternative to cholesterol promoting steak, and fat-packed pork.

Water buffalo and Wildebeast are good sources as well.

Where , you may ask, is the proof of this diet? the success stories?
Well it has just recently been leaked from the medical establishment, so it has been hitherto largely unknown among the general public, however those in the know have been using it for years for their own personal health.
Think about it, Doctors as a whole tend to be healthier than the general population.

But why exactly is that? The answer is that they have had access to this W Diet and have been following it themselves. Others in high places, pharmacuetical executives, CEOs of large companies, even our own former president.

George W Bush believed in the W diet so strongly that he changed his middle inital to reflect his love for the diet which gave him such robust health.

Now that we have established the scientific support of the W Diet, why, you may ask, does everyone not follow it? well, we have been fed misinformation for years, lots of junk about low fat and low cholesterol all of it a bunch of bunk. Our natural tendency passed on to us from our primitive ancestors has been conditioned out of us by the medical community. To assist you in your retraining I am offering a service to help you get started in your new life

W Diet personal eating assistant
I, or one of my trained W dieticians, will come to your home and follow you around all day. Whenever you are about to eat something that does not begin with the letter W, we will slap your hand with a fly swatter. Thus you will learn through operant comditioning to eat in a way that will benefit your life, help you to shed pounds, and lead a happy productive healthy life.

Still unconvinced? just read these testimonials from followers of the W diet!!!!

"I tried everything; weight watchers, atkins, wiring my jaw shut, but it wasn't until Valerie came to my house and hit me with a fly swatter everytime I tried to eat anything besides watercress that I reallt started to shed the pounds."

"I had high cholesteral and heart disease. My doctor blamed it on excess calories and lack of exercise. Darn medical establishment. I found the Wdiet and now I am doing great. lost lots of weight eating all the whale meat I can get my hands on, watermelon and whole wheat bread. Ofcourse next month I start my 18 month prison term for poaching grey whales, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices for our health."

What are you Waiting for???? You are Worth it!!!! The W diet will work for you!!!!!!
Buy my new book

Wdiet cook book
only $29.99
contains recipes for all of the W foods in the world. Willow wisp stew. White Wheat porrige, wombat sandwiches, Walnut bread, wren pie, Washtucna Yogurt, wry rye bread, watermelon pickles, and many more.

Wdiet personal eating assistant
$100/hr personal dietician service

Call 1-800-eat-wdiet to get the cook book or sign up for the personal dietary service!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The beginning

I plan to attack a new idea every week. Hopefully my opinion will all be well reasoned and informed. If not, I will just practice writing. My skills have gotten rusty lately and I plan to return to school in a couple of years so I need to build them up a bit.

I love this website. These guys do great research.

I draw lots of info from them as well as the general news stream.

Topic #1

...coming soon....